Now that your site is up and running. It’s now time for you to learn how to search engine optimize your site with on page SEO. The truth is that you can’t just keep on building backlinks and expect for your site to grow in the search engines. You also cannot create a site and simply hope for it to get on page one of Google for the keyword of your choice.
You’ve got to make sure that the site itself has lots of search engine optimization going on to get it ranking high. The following tips work for all kinds of websites, web 2.0 pages, and all the other types of pages you can create on the Internet.
on Page SEO – Put keyword in the title and the URL
When you put that keyword of yours in the title and the URL. It already has bigger chances of reaching the search engines. This is a very powerful way of doing SEO on your website. And it is very effective to help your sites rankings for the keywords of your choice. Of course, it doesn’t give instant results, neither is it the only search engine optimization you’ll have to do on your site. But it’s a great way to start.
Put the keyword in the first sentence, middle of the paragraph, and the last paragraph
This is another effective on page SEO technique that others always do. It’s very well-known and is used by many marketers. But can be easily forgotten if you don’t remember to implement this. For example, some websites rank really well simply because they remembered to throw that keyword in there very well.
They put it in the first sentence, middle of the article, last paragraph, among all the other places of every article that they have on that website. This is very effective and could drastically help you on getting better rankings. Don’t forget to put lots of variations of those keywords and putting as many of the main keywords in anchor text.
This is another effective thing to remember on each of the articles you put on your site. Learning how to search engine optimize your site with on page SEO could be quite a task. But it’s gets easier with time.
Make sure you have good content
Good content is actually very important. Especially now that Google has implemented tons of new changes and algorithms to the search engine. For example, people in the past who created small web 2.0 pages got their sites slapped very badly on Google because they didn’t give the correct type of content on their sites.
Now, the marketers who gave good content in the past are raking in the money and reaping all the benefits of actually helping peope with good information rather than throwing in some random keywords in the article.
This is why variations of the main keyword is extremely important. As Google wants to see that keyword created in many different ways. Everything from synonyms to all the possible ways to type in your main keyword. Type all of them on your websites articles. This will help tremendously with your website.
Don’t forget about your H1 and H2 tags
Your H1 and H2 tags are what shows up on google for whenever somebody types in your keyword. For example, do you know those short descriptions under the website name whenever you search something on Google? If you didn’t notice, all of them have the keyword you typed in, which is referr to as an H1 or H2 tag.
When creating each article of your site. Make sure that those tags have the keyword you are trying to get ranked for. Google scans these very well, so make sure to include a good amount information on these tags. Learn more about Header Hierarchy.
Learning how to search engine optimize your site with on page SEO could be quite a hard task. Especially when you have just create a site. And you have no idea whatsoever about what you must do to get it rank. By simply following the tips above, you will definitely be seeing your site ranked in no time. Of course, don’t forget about off site SEO and backlinking, as they play a big part of the ranking process.