The moment we hear the word Web Design, the first thing that comes to our mind is: attractive, appealing. pretty website. Mostly people categories it as an online art to create a website. In fact, people refer to it as a digital art form. Whereas web design consists of many more things other than making a website look beautiful. It takes in a lot many factors while designing a website.
An efficient and useful Website Design consists of structures, functionality, usability and many more things. Here in the article we are going to analyze the main building blocks of a successful web design.
Web Site Structure is an Imperative Building Block in Web Design
The structure of the website is the main essential element of the website. Basically, people use this to obtain a platform for presenting content on the website. There are many options to do it like using HTML, PHP, CSS or other coding options or going for scripts like Joomla or WordPress. They play a very important role in enhancing the search engine rankings and but also have its own pros and cons.
The major issue observe with SEO and structure revolves around the code being use. For example, a bulky code may include many errors. Or additional coding may make your site heavy and take too much time in loading. Search engine supports those websites that are quick in loading. This way you can enhance your rankings in the search engine results.
If you are dealing with such errors you can take help of W3C Markup Validation Service. This tool will assist you to fix your problems that if not repaired can cause be disastrous for your website. Having a strong and effective structure for the website will make it convenient to navigate and use the website.
Usability is Vital for Making the Web Design More Effective
Usability refers to the ease of use provide to the visitors to navigate on the website. Easily discover the information which they are looking for, and interact if there is a necessity. You must look out for answers to the questions like. Once the visitor is on your website are they finding it convenient to navigate? Can they easily move from one page to another and then track themselves back to home page? Or they get lost and decide for leaving in disappointment?
A helpful web design should include sitemaps and an effective structure. Which will make the site easy to for search engine bots to navigate plus human visitors.
Readability is Another Important Element of Web Design
While creating a successful web design, another important factor to consider is readability. It means how conveniently a visitor can read the information provided on the website. The most common way adapted by web designers is using black text on white background. If you attempt to try a new way of displaying text, you should first test it on your friends or family to ensure that your readers will like it.
Using black background can be a very bad selection as it’s painful for the average reader to read. Don’t forget the golden rule of choosing a dark text on light background, which always work for every pretty website design.
Website Functionality Will Make Web Design Successful
Functionality of the website refers to how easily a visitor can interact on your website. This is not a major problem for websites which features only content. But for the websites which provides with interactions method will have to determine this feature. For instance if you have a blog or a forum on your website. You must ensure that it works properly, encouraging visitors to comment or speak freely.
On forums or places where visitors can interact, they expect the website to be perfect. It should allow them to post easily and then view their post on it. When things don’t work as expected it can drive a lot of potential traffic from your website. If a visitor becomes irritated and leaves your website, they are unlikely to return.
Functionality of a website should make sure of the following essential points:
- Links are not out of order or false
- Making certain that all the downloadable content can accessed easily
- A proper search box which allows visitors to dig up to content in a few seconds
You can make use of the Search console on Google which is a free tool. That helps in crawling your website and take out the links that do not work and other problems that affect functionality.
Bottom Line:
A Web Designer should not only focus on making a Pretty Website. But should also work hard to make it easy to use, easy on its functionality, easy to read, and to build a strong structure for the website. Having all these factors incorporated into your website there is no way to stop your website from becoming successful in the online world and please its visitors.