Tips for Successful Outsourcing

Tips for Successful Outsourcing

Here are some usefull tips for a smoother outsourcing experience.

Make a proper Agreement

Keeping these things on your list will facilitate a smooth working relationship:

a. Use a right contract
b. Make sure that the payment terms have been properly fixed
c. Never pay in full until the work is completed
d. Be clear about your plans, timeline for work and payment mode
e. Make sure that you include a non-disclosure/non-competition provision in your contract
f. Determine the mode of receiving your project  updates
g. Make a proper clarification of the confidentiality
h. Get a  “de-bugging” provision that carries a specific period of time in which with the subcontractor will be on call, to fix potential problems that arise
i. Get the ownership of the project in writing

Protect Your Business

On outsourcing a work, you are giving up a share of your control over the project, to the sub contractor. Hence you can follow these tips to help that can help you to protect your business, and reputation:

a) Confirm references that you receive
b) Do a proper evaluation of the subcontractor’s portfolio
c) Verify the skills that they promise
d) If needed you can give a small test project first, to analyze the potential of your subcontractor.
e) Be prepared to review all work before turning it over to the client
f) Make your expectations very clear before your sub contractor
g) Don’t leave any details, at the time of giving the project request to the subcontractor
h) Try to send all your work requests in writing
i) You can schedule an initial call and regular check-ins, if needed
j) Make sure that you are available all over the duration of the project
k) Make a record of all the payments

Good Client Relations

Meet and exceed the client’s need, that’s the basic idea for cultivating a better client relation.

a) Try to be the middleman
b) If appropriate, you can tell the client you are using a subcontractor,
c) You can include the time estimate provided by the subcontractor in to your estimate for the client
d) Remember to add in time for your management role
e) You should be accountable for yours as well as your subcontractor’s work

Aside from the Work

Here are some tips for improving the personal side of your contract

a) Never fail to notice the significance of complementary personalities
b) You should respect the sub contractors time.
c) Make sure that there is no miscommunication between you and your sub contractor
d) Remember to praise and appreciate the works that are well done.
e) Ask the subcontractor about his experience working with the project, and get a proper feedback from him.

Successful outsourcing will help you focus more on your work. It will also gets you a handful of satisfactory clients and thereby helps in the expansion of your business.