Impact of Mobile Devices on Cloud Technology

Cloud Technology

Cloud technology is becoming popular these days. Every now and then, companies launch and introduce new technologies into the market. Each of these technologies is design to reduce operational costs and improve efficiency. It is for this reason that most companies are in the forefront of financing and adopting new technologies.

Cloud Computing

One of the technologies that is relatively new is cloud computing. Like most other technologies that came before and after it, it has a long list of benefits. Some of the benefits of cloud computing will be discuss here. Just read on.

Benifits of Cloud Technology / Cloud Computing

The major reason why companies have adopted cloud computing at a massive scale is because the technology helps companies save a lot of money. With cloud computing, companies, and even individuals, do not have to invest in standalone servers and software. These equipments are often capital intensive.

The worst thing about the equipment is that they require more personnel to manage. This means that as the number of employees increase, so does the cost of running a firm. The good news is that with cloud computing, the number of employees hired to manage the IT department has to fall drastically.

Cost effective

It is also important to add that cloud computing is more cost effective because it allows sharing of information by users located in different parts of, for instance, a city, a region, country, or the globe. All that users need is internet connection. It is also surprising to note that companies save expenses by not buying new software and paying for software licenses.

Scalability and Speed

Additional benefits of cloud computing are scalability and speed. With this technology, companies and individuals are spared from the agony of investing time in buying and setting up hardware and software, and other resources necessary for setting up new applications.

All users are require to do is scale up or down according to market demands when launching new products or during periods of intensive usage, and so on. The good thing with cloud computing services is that they are very reliable, since data service providers have data centers in several locations for keeping the processing close to users.

Users also appreciate cloud hosting services because of the convenience they provide. Users understand that sharing of infrastructure and costs guarantees low overhead costs and immediate availability of services.

Amazingly, the costs are bill based on actual consumption only. Besides an internet connected device, you do not need heavily trained manpower or special equipment. One off tasks can often carried out on the cloud. Additionally, high speed bandwidth guarantees real time response from infrastructure located at different sites.

Data Backup and Recovery

Another item that is worth adding to the list of benefits of cloud computing is data backup and recovery. A few years back, companies would invest heavily in data backup physical equipment. This equipment could occasionally let users down, leading to damaged or lost data.

The good news is that with cloud computing, issues of complete data loss are unheard of. Organizations need not invest in expensive equipment to store their data. All that is need is the new technology. It backs up and recover data that may corrupted or lost.

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